Front cover and masthead

ImageAfter selecting between the pictures I had saved, I decided to choose this picture as models in the picture has a mode of address a which is appropriate as it directly makes eye contact with the potential target market. The background is also clear which makes it easier for the font to stand out without the use of boxes like my previous magazine. This gives it a more professional look. However, I then came to realise that the masthead does not suit my magazine due to the colour scheme. Since I had originally created it on photoshop, I went back to create a more suitable masthead. 

Front cover

This was my first and completed front cover for my music magazine. However, when I came to export the file as a PDF, I found that the main images Original file had been deleted from the computer. As a result, I had to choose another image from my photoshoot to use as my cover image. 



Masthead Ideas

The fonts I have chosen are mostly Block fonts which has a huge and quick impact as it instantly grabs and draws attention. It will also stand out from the rest of the texts/images on the page.
fonts 1fonts 2

title This is my second draft.

This was the third draft I created for my mastheads. I have a selection of different colours which are cohesive to the colours used on my front cover after my original picture was deleted. This is because the masthead above is not reflective of the house style.

Potential Magazine Articles

My article is based on the newest winner of the XFactor, Tyler Thompson

Points to consider :
1) New found fame
2) Future plans
3) Xfactor journey
4) Relationships
5) Address rumors
6) Fashion sense
7) Family support
8) XFactor Winners single
9) Concerts/ Tour
10) New album

Picture Planning

This is my plan for the pictures I will be taking for my magazine which will give me an idea of exactly what pictures I will need. This saves time whilst taking the pictures. image

Flat Planning

imageflat planning 1

flat planning 2

This flat planning gives me an idea of particular content which may be included in my magzine. This allows me to create the content page with much more ease.