Evaluation 6 : What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To create my magazine, the equiptment I used are :
1) A Canon camera to take the pictures. This camera had a detachable lens which allowed me to adjust the focus and distance of the shot which I feel is a huge difference to just taking a picture on my phone which I used for my prelim task. This camera was a 16 megapixel camera which meant that the pictures were alot clearly and even when zoomed it, they were of good quality.

Click here for images taken : https://kellypereiramagazine.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/photoshoot

2) A Laptop and Computer to edit the pictures and create my magazine.

To create my magazine, the softwares I used are :
1) Microsoft Publisher : I used this to produce my prelim front cover and contents page.
2) Quark : I used quark to adjust the positioning and spaces between lines and the letters in order to fit more text in and to give it an overall more professional look.
There is a huge transition from Publisher to Quark as there are much more complex features and it also allowed me to ensure that my final magazine is to a much higher standard.

photoshop1.jpg 2.jpg 3

3) Photoshop : I used photoshop to crop, adjust levels, brighness, contrast and saturation of images. The cropping is much more complex as there is a magnetic lasso tool which I used to help me crop the background. I also used photoshop to blur the background of images slightly so that certain elements stand out more. To do this, I had to unlock layers and add layer masks.

Click here for my Photoshop post https://kellypereiramagazine.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/photoshop-before-and-after/
I found out that there are various ways to present a piece of work to make it more aesthetically pleasing and much more interactive in comparison to just plain text. To place the different forms on my blog, I had to copy over an embed code onto my blog post.


4) Prezi : I used this online zooming presentation to answer one of my evaluation questions which is a much more dynamic way of presenting a piece of work.

5) Powerpoint and Slideshare : By creating a powerpoint, I was then able to upload it to my blog through slideshare and embbed it onto my blogpost to create a more virtually interactive blog.

6) Flickr : I used this to annotate the images for an evaluation question.

Double page spread : page 2

ImageAs for my double page, I decided to change the layout slightly. As the ‘twitter takeover’ isn’t the main focus of the article, I decided to reduce the size. I also feel that the autograph at the end of the article to ensure it has conventions similar to mother magazines in the market. 

Contents page

ImageFor my double page, I stuck closely to my second draft however, when I printed it out, it was clear that the position of the boxes and images had to be sorted out I. Order for them to match up Which gives the magazine a more professional look. 

i also decided to swap the main cover story with the ‘in every issue’ as looking at different magazines, it’s typical that the first thing read would be the main cover line. This is what interests the reader most.