Rolling Stone Magazine Analysis

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By doing this, I am able to see the transition the magazine has made over the years. It is clear that as time has gone on, the target audience has shifted from a unisex audience to catering for a female audience.

Not only this, but the magazine has also adopted to highlight on sex by using celebrities in the limelight to pose in a ‘sexy’ way in clothes which display flesh. This transition allows the magazine to keep up to date with this generation.

However, throughout the years, the main house style has remained the same. This is firstly, and most importantly the masthead which has remained the same over the years. The font has not changed simply because it has already been marked as iconic and therefore instantly recognisable by anyone. This therefore allows them to adopt a new approach to the way it promotes its magazine and this is through the use of celebrities who endorse the magazine. Since they cover the masthead, it is apparent that they perhaps are more interested in ensuring that the celebrities are recognised before the name of the magazine.

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