Potential Magazine Ideas

Before I create my magazine, I will explore 3 different potential magazine ideas with different genres.



The first is an indie magazine, aimed at 19-25 year olds. In the 21st century, Indie music is becoming increasingly popular among many people of different ages. However, indie music is usually targeted at older teens and up to mid 20’s. This magazine would be targeted at 18-25 year olds as most indie bands have gigs in cities and towns, which is easily accessible to university students. They target a smaller audience to mainstream artists. this is also ideal for the age as they have the money to purchase tickets for gigs and festivals.



The second idea is a mainstream magazine, featuring chart artists which attracts a much wider audience. It would be an easy read magazine because it has to appeal to people in different social classes. The mode of address would be direct. This magazine should be able to appeal to those aged 16-mid 30s. This has to feature artists which would appeal to the wide age group. Examples include artists such as Rihanna.



Finally, the last idea is a niche country magazine. This would be specifically aimed at a small audience. The artists have to be carefully selected in order to attract the niche audience. The focus would be on the artists inside. Because it is so niche, it would probably be a monthly magazine. The target audience would be 17-25 year olds.

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